While we can’t say definitively where things are going, we know that business is slowly going back to work. Walt Disney World is reopening next month, and we recognize that those types of iconic brands emerging is one of the signs America needs to see before we are all comfortable getting together to meet. What we do know is that people, companies and associations still have messages that need to be delivered. High achievers still need to be incentivized and recognized. And, when those things happen, entertainment has an important place in the process.

By now, you’ve no doubt received multiple (if not dozens) of e-mails advertising the ability to provide virtual entertainment to your events. As one of the most experienced experts in producing entertainment for the special event industry, we feel that the verdict is still a long-way off on whether this becomes a viable and economical long-term solution, or a quick flash-in-the-pan band-aid. Just as your entertainment decisions in the pre-Covid world were calculated and nuanced to fit your particular audiences, decisions on virtual entertainment are equally important, and contain elements that may not have come to mind yet. Just a few things that should be considered:

  • Is the entertainer compelling (just because a celebrity is willing to do a live video from home doesn’t necessarily make it good entertainment)
  • Do you want the entertainment to be presented “live” or is a taped version acceptable?
  • If you decide a taped version is acceptable, what do you need to do in advance with the entertainer to make sure that the audience feels like the performance is “just for them”?
  • If you are thinking about using more than a single entertainer, how will that act be received by your audience if we’re still in a social-distance mode? Many people take offense when they see “groups” of people on tv who are ignoring the social-distancing norms, and the same will go for entertainers.
  • Finally, don’t forget about the impact of music licensing and performance rights. Just because we’re in a crisis doesn’t mean that the licensing agencies will ignore the laws governing usage.

The bottom line is that virtual entertainment can be a powerful and valuable option to consider when you are planning an event, and T. Skorman is already delivering that content.

Over the next few months, we will resume regular e-mails, bringing you the latest in virtual and live entertainment options. We stand ready, willing and able to be your trusted entertainment partner, as we have for over 35 years.


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