“We Want the World to Know We Aren’t Just Still Here…We are Thriving!”

As associations and businesses are returning to live events, the message to us is that attendees want to celebrate in a big way. Opening General Sessions and events with a big “WOW” are two of the best places to accomplish this. A couple of options have been very successful lately. Take a look!
Celebrity Talent
Nothing sends a WOW! like giving your attendees their own name act concert. We’ve been matching the right act, for a wide range of corporate meetings for over 30 years. A few favorites experiences we’ve provided in the past weeks have been Brad Paisley, Don Felder, 38 Special and Peabo Bryson.
Busy Busy FREE DAPS!
If it’s about interaction (whether live or virtual) Free Daps are the masters of corporate meetings.They are adept at just about any part of a meeting – exciting a crowd at a general session, breakout, or full size show. Free Daps blends freestyle rap with fast-paced comedy in a unique presentation. You may have caught them at The Special Event 2021 or various ILEA and MPI events. Check out their corporate Promotional Video.
Connie Riley, CMP, CSEP Emerita,
Gala Lifetime Achievement Award
We could not be more thrilled that Connie Riley, Vice President at T. Skorman Productions, was recognized last month in Miami at The Catersource/Special Event Conference and Tradeshow. She was presented with Special Event Magazine’s Gala Lifetime Achievement Award for the over 35 years she has loved and served the special event community. Go Connie! Click Here to Read more about Connie