Tradeshow Fun with Gabrielle, an Evening on Broadway, Connie Riley in DC, a New Addition… and more!
BizBash IdeaFest – by Gabrielle Mourino
BizBash is an event I look forward to every year and this time I was proud to participate as an exhibitor! The conference kicked off with a pre-party where everyone got to experience one of Ft. Lauderdale’s hot spots, Off The Hookah. During the trade show I connected with attendees who were searching for the newest trends in entertainment and enjoyed seeing tons of familiar faces. I love that BizBash is always looking to be innovative with their conference style and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for next year!
New York Style Remains Popular with Event Audiences – An Evening on Broadway!
While not everyone travels to New York to enjoy shows on Broadway, this quintessential experience remains a popular option for today’s event audiences. Our shows are easily tailored to the individual audience, adding sophistication and excitement to any gala. An opening general session is also a great place to include the excitement of a Broadway-style stage production targeted to the meeting’s message. Will it be a performance of scenes from your all-time favorite musicals or perhaps the most current shows straight off the stage or a blend of the two? The choice is yours with An Evening on Broadway. This planner-friendly link is to a website with more information. You can also see information on this act on T. Skorman’s website.

Connie Riley CSEP CMP
Early Involvement + Great Local Resources = A Successful D.C. Event – Connie Riley, CSEP CMP
Having access to trusted industry partners as well as having a client willing to include me early in the planning process are definite advantages when ensuring the success of entertainment for events. This is particularly true for situations that pose unique logistical challenges.
I was recently invited by a wonderfully creative client to produce entertainment for 14 dinners being held simultaneously. The events were held in some of the most prestigious and beautiful museums, government buildings and embassies throughout Washington DC. While I have been on the creative team for many events in my career with 100+ cast members, this project presented unique challenges and opportunities including the extra security regulations that are a way of life for venues in our nation’s Capital. Including an entertainment producer on the team left one less item for the planner to juggle. The planning had to be precise to help guarantee a successful night for my client.
The first task was to analyze the scope of work and assemble an on-site team which included a local producer, musical contractor and 4 coordinators. My participation in ISES has enabled me to make many great contacts and so the local team members were all professionals I’d worked with and trusted for years.
Being included in the multi-day site inspection process was key to establishing our action plan.
1. Selection and scheduling of entertainment for the 14 locations keeping in mind that the entertainers had only a 60 minute load-in window at each location;
2. Fulfillment of each venue’s security requirements and restrictions – all of which had to be coordinated in advance.
3. Logistical solutions for requirement that the entertainers move locations from cocktail to dinner;
4. Evaluation of venues that, while beautiful, had many limitations in lighting, staging and available electrical power.
5. Creation of travel routes for 4 talent coordinators whose task was to meet and introduce the lead entertainment representative at each of the 14 venues to the client’s on-site contact within a one hour window skirting street closures created by 2 other city-wide events being held
6. Arrangement in advance for a parking allowance for the entertainers to manage the local lack of parking for performers and coordinators.
This was definitely a job with opportunities for interference by Murphy’s Law; numerous venues, dozens of musicians, no parking, a rain prediction and 2 downtown events with street closures. Fortunately, the combination of the local team’s familiarity with the event venues and local traffic patterns, my expertise with entertainment production, and the cooperation of Mother Nature allowed the entire team to celebrate a successful event. – 407.895.3000 ext. 213
It’s A Boy! Congratulations to Krisly & Luis Rojas – Last month we welcomed a new member to the T. Skorman family as our own Krislyn added a new Rojas to her family. We are happy that both mom and her new son are doing fine and appreciate all of the wishes sent from clients and friends around the country.