No one ever accused the corporate entertainment world of being trendsetters. Their cautious nature has often kept great mainstream entertainment options on the periphery waiting for Corporate America to catch up. One example is Country Music.…

Paul Creighton, CSEP It’s been 25 months since the event industry was shut down by the Covid pandemic and the full scope of the damage will be debated for years to come. It seems small…

“We Want the World to Know We Aren’t Just Still Here…We are Thriving!” As associations and businesses are returning to live events, the message to us is that attendees want to celebrate in a big…

This is the 3rd of our 6-part series following up on our September Webinar on Virtual Meeting Entertainment. Each section discusses a different way virtual meetings can be enhanced through entertainment. Our first focus’ were…

As the corporate entertainment world deals with the Covid-19 crisis, a new form of entertainment is needed. While we all know that live performances are what we love, corporate clients have begun moving their…

THIS MONTH our E-ntertainment newsletter includes a new act for communicating your meeting message and share the recognition our Connie Riley, CMP, CSEP received as the newest Lifetime Achievement award winner from the International Live…

L.E.D. (Lights,Energy, Drums), FunkyWunks and Free Daps have 3 things in common: they each increase the energy in the room the moment they take the stage, they use both sound and visuals to keep the audience interested and they have…

What does the New Year hold for you and your events? So far many of our clients appear to be focused in on a couple of areas; experiences where the attendees are engaged as part…